The Path of Life: Balancing Physical and Spiritual Activities


As human beings, we are made up of body, soul, and spirit, and therefore, our path of life should consist of both physical and spiritual activities. This balance is essential for our well-being, and it is what brings us closer to God. In this blog post, we will be discussing the narrow and difficult path that leads to life eternal, consisting of physical ascetic labors, and mental prayer and contemplation.

The path of action requires us to engage in physical ascetic labors such as fasting, abstinence, vigilance, prostrations, and prayer. These practices help us to purify ourselves of our sinful passions and to perfect our actions. The Holy Scriptures tell us that the pure in heart shall see God, and so it is vital that we work towards purifying our hearts and our actions. It is through this path of action that we pave the way toward a contemplative life.

On the other hand, the path of contemplation involves elevating our minds to the Lord God. This requires profound attentiveness and mental prayer, which can lead us to the contemplation of the spiritual. However, it is crucial to note that one cannot enter into contemplation without first taking action. This means that everyone who seeks the spiritual road must begin by following the path of action. It is only by practicing physical ascetic labors that we can come upon the road of contemplation.

In order to approach contemplation without danger, one must have been cleansed of their passions and have perfected their actions. It is for this reason that the Church venerates St. Nicholas and sings, “You prepared yourself to meditate on God through silence and struggles against your passions. Through these, you acquired perfect wisdom and became a converser with God and the Angels.” This quote encapsulates the importance of physical ascetic labors and spiritual contemplation in our path of life.

In addition to physical ascetic labors and mental prayer, it is also essential to have a spiritual guide or mentor who can help us navigate the path of life. This mentor can help us to stay accountable, provide us with guidance, and help us to avoid spiritual dangers. Through the guidance of a mentor, we can continue to work towards perfecting our actions and elevating our minds to God.

In conclusion, our path of life should consist of both physical ascetic labors and spiritual contemplation. We cannot enter into contemplation without first taking action, and so it is vital that we work towards purifying our hearts and actions through physical ascetic labors. Furthermore, it is important to have a spiritual mentor or guide who can help us navigate the path of life and avoid spiritual dangers. By balancing physical and spiritual activities, we can come closer to God and experience life eternal.

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