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We believe in the existence of God and His Holy Word to be the foundation of our faith. It shall not be moved nor be compromised.

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Atlanta, GA 30338, USA
Sunday Morning (8:15-12:00 AM)
Sunday Afternoon (4:00-6:00 AM)
Wednesday (8:00-9:00 PM)

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Dr. John Pepper Senior Pastor
"Glory to God! Our site is created to spread the gospel of Christ throughout the world."
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Unveiling the Mystery

In a world bound by the dimensions of time and space, the Eastern Orthodox Church invites us into a realm where the divine transcends these limits, engaging with the cosmos in a dance that defies human comprehension. This blog post explores the profound relationship between the Logos, the eternal Word of God, and the fabric of space itself. Drawing on the rich theological insights of Douglas F. Kelly’s “Systematic Theology,” we delve into the concepts of perichoresis, the transcendence and omnipresence of the Logos, and the intriguing debate surrounding the ‘extra-Calvinisticum’. Through this exploration, we uncover a vision of the cosmos where the divine is not confined by spatial boundaries but is dynamically present, weaving through the entirety of creation. Join us as we navigate the mystery of the Logos’s dance with the cosmos, a journey that promises to expand our spiritual horizons and deepen our understanding of the divine presence in and beyond our world.

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